The Use of Taboo Words In Gorontalo Society



The Use of Taboo Words
In Gorontalo Society

           By: RamlanPakaya
                321 410 016


1.1  Background
Human needs to be communicated with other people in order to make a good relationship in the society; this is as the implementation of human creature. To be communicated, of course a tool of communication is needed. A very perfect tool that can be used is language. By using language, all of the expression from the idea can be represented well.
In communication, of course there will be a law of the way to express the idea. In order for expressing the idea, a speaker should aware the result of the language that will be uttered whether it is going to have a good interpretation of the interlocutory or not. Sometimes a word shall have a very implied meaning from the literal meaning. By this case, the speaker must know all of the interpretation meaning in every region of society before uttering the specific word.
1.2  Research Problem
  1. What is taboo?
  2. What are kinds of taboo? 
1.3  Research Objective
  1. To describe what taboo is.
  2. To identify the kinds of taboo.

2.1 The Definition of Taboo
Frieda (2011) stated that the concept of taboo that is used until now was the adoption from the branch of anthropologic study. This concept was derived from western experts in Tonga (Polynesian culture) and the cultures of archipelago were included into this group.
Furthermore, she explored the concepts of Mead (cited in Apte, 1998:986) one of the concepts of taboo in Polynesian cultures is a prohibition about everything that will not cause punishments more then desire and the embarrassing condition that occur as the impact of breaking the rigorous limitation of custom.
In another hand, Matthews (1997:371) in Frieda (2011) stated that taboo is the words which is known by the speaker, but is avoided in a part or all of the form or context in a discourse because the reasons of religion, propriety, and politeness.
Fromkin and Rodman (1983:266) in Ohoiwutun (2002), states that taboo is the word that forbidden to be used, at least not to be used in a courteous society.
Based on psychological motivation (Nanoazza, 2008), taboo words occurred at least 3 ways, they are: because of something that is frightening (taboo of fear), something that makes feeling to be worried (taboo of delicacy), and something that is impolite and inappropriate (taboo of propriety). This paper focuses on the two kinds of taboo. They are taboo of fear and taboo of propriety in the society of Gorontalo.
By those definitions above, it can be concluded that taboo one or more than one word that is known by the society but is avoided to be spoke because of some reason. Some of the reason may be various according to the society.
3.1 Research Method
Research Method This research used qualitative method In order to uncover and find the accurate explanation about the cases. Bogdan dan Taylor (Moleong, 2007:3) suggest  that qualitative methodology is a research procedure which result the descriptive data such as written words and also the utterance of people and their attitude that is observed.
3.2 Data and Source of Data
In this paper, the data was collected from some sources. The major data come from some the student that always swearing. The second source is the people that is respected in the village and understand the history of some word.

1.      Taboo of fear
This taboo is all about belief in a power which can affect human life or human’s livelihood. Some of the people in Gorontalo society avoid uttering the name of devil because they afraid that the devil will come and disturb the society. There are some examples of name that is avoided to be uttered in Gorontalo society.
  1. Tahede
In Gorontalo society, this name is known as the name of a big devil. In Limboto, the people never utter this name because they believe that after uttered this name, at the night the devil will come and disturb every child there. It has been proved that after this name was uttered, many children cried at the midnight. For everyone who does not know the meaning of this name, they will use this name as the swearing.
  1. Ponggo lo huta
This is a name of devil in Gorontalo which can fly fastest and eat the human’s liver. In Imana village, the people there believed that, if they utter this name at the night, the devil will suddenly appear and kill that human. Until now, everyone is not allowed to utter his name.
  1. “Yinulohuta” at night
In Gorontalo society, the people who are seller (kios) will not sell the kerosene at night. This is related to the mythos that selling kerosene at night will affect the fortune of their goods. They took the illustration that when selling kerosene at night, their business will fall down like burned unintentionally. They prefer to sale at night by using the name “water” as the implied meaning of kerosene.
  1. “Razor blade” at night
Like kerosene case, razor blade will not be sold at night. This also related to the mythos that selling the razor blade at night will affect the fortune or the goods which is selling. They believed that selling the razor blade will cut their subsistence.
2.      Taboo of propriety
This taboo is related to sex, parts and functions of the certain body, and also some of swearing words that are impolite and inappropriate to be uttered. Sometimes this taboo is used as the distinguishing the human activity from animal activity.
a.       Huangango
Huangango is a Gorontalo word that means a hole of the mouth. This is a part of the body. If seemed to the literal meaning of the word, there is no impolite meaning from that word. In Gorontalo society, this word is taboo to be uttered and sometimes it is used as the swearing words.
According to Ipa (2012) Huangango is a swearing word that means the hole of vagina. The specific vagina goes to whose mother does the speaker swear to. In Indonesian, the meaning of Huangango is “Lubang Mulut” and the word “Mulut” refers to “Mulut Rahim”. By adding the word mu which means that the swearing goes to the interlocutory, so, that is the way, why this kinds of swear will affect adults emotion instead of adolescent, because adults understand the exact meaning of that word. Most of the adolescent who always utter this word only know the literal meaning of the word, and this word goes to the liar.
b.      Huange?emu
In literal meaning, huange?e means the hole of the armpit. This word is actually a kind of swearing. According to Ipa (2012) Huange?e means the hole of vagina. The swearing specifically goes to whose vagina the speaker swear to. There are some facts why huange?e become the implied meaning of vagina. Firstly, armpit has hair/fur. This is similar with vagina which has hair/fur. Secondly, armpit has a shape like hole. This is similar with vagina which has a hole. Thirdly, sometimes armpit will be wet. This is similar with vagina which will be wet in some condition. And the last fact is armpit sometimes has a bad smell.
Some people use this word without knowing the exact meaning of the word. For the people who know the exact meaning of the word huange?emu, they will avoid to use this word because this is a very impolite word.
c.       Tapu wale
The literal meaning of the words “tapu wale” is a meet of mouth. This word is actually a kind of swearing. Tapu walu (daging mulut/bibir) refers to the lips of the vagina. As usual, people who uttered these words do not know the exact meaning of the words. They just know the literal meaning of the words only. Sometimes the word “tapu” is used to call a friend. This term is mostly used by boys.
d.      Mongili
Mongili is a gorontalo word that means to defecate. This word is taboo to be used in a conversation with adults or the people who are respected. The polite form of this word is molapi taluhu which means “buang air” in Indonesian language.
e.       Monga
Monga is a gorontalo word that means to eat. This word is taboo in gorontalo society because monga is also used for animal. In order to ask politely the people to have a meal to be eaten, the sentence “toduwolo mo rijiki” is more polite instead of using the sentence “toduwolo monga” especially for the person that is respected.

5.1 Conclusion
By the result of research in this paper, it can be concluded that in order to express the idea, the speaker needs to be aware about the taboo which is not allowed or impolite according to the society’s belief or knowledge. Standing from the main purpose of communication itself, communication aims to have a good relationship within the people in the society. So that, misunderstanding in the use of taboo should be reduced or even being avoid by aware the exact meaning of each word in society.
In this paper, it can be found some of the words that mostly avoid to be uttered in the society because of the impoliteness and the inappropriate meaning in society. So, by learning through this paper, hopefully the use of the word which is the implied meaning of the swearing will not be uttered in order to avoid hurting one’s feeling in society.

Ohoiwutun, P (2002) Sociolinguistics: memahami bahasa dalam kontels masyarakat dan kebudayaan. Jakarta: Kesaint Blanc
Frieda, (2011) Kata-kata tabu n idiom [www] WordPress. Available from: [Accessed: (21:40) 14/06/12]

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