The use of Particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo


Chapter I
1.1 Background
Human is a social creature that needs to be interacted with others. Of course we need something to mediate our mind then we can understand each other. There are no other perfect tools that can be used for that except language. Language can represent the characteristic of its speaker such as cultural side, attitude, and social status. Everyone has one or more language, so that distinguishes him from others. Observed from group or community, each region has a different language. Notwithstanding, the region which is closed to each other still has an identical form of vocabulary and grammatical.
Many students in UNG who came from different region have almost the same dialect with Gorontalo. It causes many errors in usage. One of them is the error usage in particle. Besides, Particles in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo are very complicated to be explained. Particles are always used in everyday conversation. However, despite they are often used, most of the speakers who utilize particles do not know what exactly kinds of particles are and when the particles should be used for.
From those cases above, the writer get any interesting idea to observe what is particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorantalo.

1.2 Research Problem
1.      What are types of particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo?
2.      What are the functions of particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo?

1.3 Research Objective
1.      To describe the types of particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo.
2.      To explain the function of particles in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo.

Chapter II
2.1 The Definition of Particles
The term particle is an English world which means a minor part of speech, especially a short undivided one. In linguistics, particle is a word which generally cannot be derived and inflected, has grammatical meaning and does not have lexical meaning, including article, preposition, conjunction, and interjection (KBBI, 1997: 732). Another definition explained that particle is every word which has no meaning, except when it occurs with other words (Nikmah, F, tt: 19). Besides, particle is a word which has meaning when only successively occurs with other words (Ghalayani, M, 1973: 9).  So that, both of the definition are considered as the same and they can be interchanged.

Chapter III
2.1. Research Method
This research used qualitative method In order to uncover and find the accurate explanation about the cases. Bogdan dan Taylor (Moleong, 2007:3)suggest  that qualitative methodology is a research procedure which result the descriptive data such as written words and also the utterance of people and their attitude that is observed.

2.2. Data and Source of Data
In this paper, data is collected from some sources. The major data come from students in UNG especially in English Department student followed by friends in Dormitory, and also in other faculties. There are many kinds of people that can be the sources of the data, however, the writer choose them because a lot of particles were uttered by them. Besides, the basic consideration of time, it cannot be argued that the writer has just less than four weeks to research. It should be impossible for the writer to come to every corner of Gorontalo in order to collect the data. The best choice is in English Department where the writer takes place of studying.

2.3.    Technique of collecting data
The writer took the data by using some method. Firstly, the writer took notes when having conversation with friend in faculty and dormitory. In this case, this just for a friend of the writer who were naturally Gorontalo. Secondly, the writer invited some of friends to talk by use particles. So that they would came with any particles in their sentence. Thirdly, the writer sent some messages to everyone by using particles. This way would invite them to use particles. The last method is asked directly to the speaker. How many kinds of particles they know. This method of collecting data is represented from the samples.

Unit III
1.      Uti
The particle “uti” has various in its usage. This particle does not have a specific meaning in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo. The meaning of this particle depends on the context of the sentence and also the stress in syllable. There are some different situations in this particle usage:
1.1. Command sentence                                         
a.       Bili kamari minuman dingin uti! (to command by begging).
The word “uti” refers to coequal friend, these particles meant to rule by way of a smooth and rather pitiful. In this context, the use ofuti” was limited to peer through a friend who is younger than speaker and only used if the interlocutor is already familiar with us. This applies to men and women. The stress is in the first Syllable and the vowels such letter u and i rather be extended so that it becomes like /uutii/.
1.2. Begging sentence
a.   Mama kirim akan pulsa uti. (to ask by begging)
In this sentence, the word “uwty” has the same function as previous example, it is for begging, but only used by a child to his mother or father, a family relative or whoever that is still close and familiar with him. This means the speaker (child) spoiled for older people who are already familiar with him. The emphasis is the same as in 1.1. part a.
1.3. Naming
a.   Bili Pigi Kamari garam ti mama uti!
In this sentence, the word “uti” refers to son. In Gorontalo, boys are called by the name ofuti”, when the daughter is called “nou”. It is different from previousuti” as a command sentence, there is no stress inuti” as a son.
1.3. Genitals
a.   Ja?o uti.
Besides, to name the son, there is a function of theuti” word as a noun (the name of male genitals) but different in how to Pronounce it. To pronounce the world as the man genital, it will be different asuti” before, there will be a phoneme "w" in pronunciation such /uwti/.
1.4. Complaints sentence
a.       So saki kapala kita uti. (sigh sentence)
In the sentence above, the speaker expressed his complaint by useduti particles”. This signifies that the speaker wants to make the other person to be empathetic to the pain which is suffered. If the particle is removed, this means that the speaker simply stated his suffering because of headaches, without expecting empathy from the listener.

2.   Eyi
For this particle, there are two ways in its use. Each has a very different meaning. It depends on the context of the sentence.
2.1 Regret
a.   Gara-gara barmain PS, so abis lo ma’o kita p doi.
In this sentence, the word "eyi” functioned as an attachment in sentence which expresses a remorse. When wordeyi” is omitted, then the sentence would only be a statement that the speaker has no money anymore because of playing PS.
2.2. Praise
a.   Ehem. So ada No'u dikalas eyi.
In this sentence, the wordeyi indicates” that the speaker expressed his admiration for his interlocutor. This is a kind of praise. The word “eyi” suggests as if the speaker was a little surprised, or seemed rather do not believe that there has been a No'u in class. (Nou is Miss of Gorontalo just like Miss Indonesia).
2.3. Naming
a.   Ba masa kasana dulu eyi.
In the society of Gorontalo, sometimes a wife is called her husband by the name of “eyi”. The word “eyi” in this sentence serves as a close call or an affectionate name. The word “eyi” is used only by married couples. Althougheyi” means the name for darling, but “eyi” is not used to young people who are dating. It is just for those who had married.

3.   Poly
Poly does not have a specific meaning in its use, the meaning of this word will depend on the context of the sentence. The word” poly” literally means again. There are several ways of using this particle:
 3.1. Recurrence
a.   So dimana poly ngana ini?
The word "poly" looks a little difficult to explain in its use rather than use it directly in the sentence. In the sentence above, the speaker asked his interlocutor to talk about his existence. However, the implication is the speaker has known before, that his interlocutor is a person who travels a lot. We can be sure that before he had traveled to another place and when the speaker asked as if he had predicted that his interlocutor has been in another place. One important point in this case is the use of the word "poly" means reveal the repeatability, the word "poly" always comes after the question word. There are some examples how to use this particle;
b. Somo pigi dimana poli ngana?
Previously, the interlocutor had travelled to many places, and this time for the umpteenth.
c. So apa poli yang ngana mo tanya?
Previously, the speaker has been asked by the interlocutor, and this time for the umpteenth.
d. So sapa poli yang ngana jaga suka ini?
Previous, the interlocutor has felt in love to many girls, and this for the umpteenth time.
3.2. Warning.
The word "poly" is also used to warn another person as in the example sentence:
a.       Kita poli tidak barmain e!
This sentence means that the speaker does not feel like joking. Maybe another time he could take a joke, but this time he really did not want it. There are two possibilities of the speakers said this sentence. First because he is angry, second he is seriously.

4.   Olo
Literally the word "Olo" means also. The word "Olo" is often used only in a state which is a signifier of participation.
4.1. Participation
a.   Ngana olo mo datang?
In the sentence above, the speaker asked for confirmation of the presence of the interlocutor (in party, etc.). But before he had asked the others and has received confirmation that his friend would come so this is merely a repetition of the phrase. The word "olo" more inclined to be use that lead to participation (presence or arrival).
4.2. Enclosing
a.   Bili kamari pisang goreng, tahu isi dengan bakwan olo.
The essence of the sentence above is to add something that is not almost mentioned. When all of the things have been mentioned and there's still one left, so the word "Olo" is required to accompany the words of the remaining proficiency level. The object which is usually accompanied by the word "olo" is mentioned suddenly without any previous plan. That is the function of the word "olo".

5.   Wa
The word "wa" is one of the word which is complicated to be explained. The word” wa” has no meaning at all. However, when added to the sentence, it will change the purpose of the sentence.
5.1. Requesting sentence.
a.       Jangan marah wa?
Again, the word that has a function to plead has been found to be pleaded bahasa melayu gorontalo. The sentence above means that the speakers have done something and it can makes his interlocutor to be angry. So, he apologized. The wordwa” means the request by way of pleading (begging). Another case, when the word “wa” is omitted, then the sentence would be the advice or command.
5.2. Praise
a.   Baraba wa?
This is the excess of "wa". It can change the position or purpose of the sentence followed. Baraba is a pompous word used to mock someone. But when the word "wa" appears then the meaning of the sentence is turned into praise.
5.3. Quipped
a.       Ooh, dari tadi Cuma jaga ba lia yang bagitu ngana wa.
Sentence above appears when the speaker found something that was hidden by intelocutory. This sentence intends to mock or embarrass the speaker. The word "wa" serves to confirm the interlocutor but the speaker is able to predict that the interlocutor will parry because of embarrassment.

6.   Au
6.1. Stating the relationship
a.   Au kiapa ngana tidak datang?
In the sentence above, the word "au" serves to indicate repetition. Previously, there have been question submitted that still have a relationship to that question.
6.2. To repent
a.   Padahal kita so bekeng gaga-gaga ini tugas au.
The word "au" in the sentence above just to accompany sentences which express regret. Usually after the word "au", there is still a continuation of the sentence. If there is still next sentence, the word "au" change function as a sentence connector.

7.   Ati (Olo)
7.1. to show Sympathy
a.   Ada di ruma saki dia ati.
The word "ati" in the sentence above serves to show that the speaker feels pity or sympathy for the person being discussed.

8. To
8.1. Ask for confirmation
a.   So makan ngana to?
The word "to" is only used to ask for confirmation. Usually the speakers had predicted earlier that the answer is yes. It is called a question tag in English.

9.   E
9.1. Ask for confirmation
a.   Kalo jargon ta maso di prokem e?
Almost the same as the previous word (to), the word "e" is used to ask in order to confirm. It is basically predicted that speakers have the answer. But it is not as strong as the wordto”. There was any doubt of the speakers.
10. Eh
10.1. To invite attention
a.   Eh, ngana p tugas so sudah?
When the speaker wants to invite the attention of the other persons then he would use the word "eh". The word "eh" serves to divert attention and is usually used also as a pronoun.

11.  Wei
11.1. Naming
a.   Wei, ngana orang Limboto to?
This sentence appears when the speaker knows the other person, but does not know his name, so that the word "wei" is used in order to replace its name.
11.2. To call someone
a.   Wei, ti pak ada Tanya ngana kemarin!
The word "wei" in the sentence above serves as a pronoun which replaces the name of interlocutor. This means that the speaker is being serious. The wordwei” is also used to call attention of interlocutor
b.      Wei! So tida bole mo lewat situ, nanti ba putar.
In this sentence the word "so" serves to accompany a reprimand sentence.

12. Am
12.1. When discovered the fact
a.   Tidak ada tugas am.
The word "am" in the sentence above occurs if the speaker states the fact and statement about the validity of that statement has proven itself, in other words the speakers have been convinced by what he said. The word “am” comes from Gorontalo uwamu which means you’ve told me.

Unit IV

IV. 1. Conclusion
By the results of research in this paper, it can be concluded that there are many language in the world. Especially, in every region has its variety of language. Although language is different to others, there is a little bit similarity of language that close to another region such as in vocabulary and grammatical.
One of part of speech in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo is particle. Particle in Bahasa Melayu Gorontalo is a word which has no specific meaning, however, it can changes the purpose if sentences which is attached. It has various meaning according to the context of the sentence. It depends on when the particle is used, who does the speaker talk to, and what does the speaker mean. The special thing that can be get from this paper is language is the most complicated thing which can only be explained by itself and no others can do it.

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