Paper: Psycholinguistics "LANGUAGE In PSYCHOLOGY"



By: Ramlan Pakaya
321 410 016

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All of the praises should be uttered to the merciful Allah swt. because without the grace of Allah it would be impossible for the writer to finish this paper. Afterwards, the great regards should be sent to our holy prophet, Muhammad saw. (Who brought the world from the darkness to the lightness) to his family, friends, Islamic scholar, and hopefully the spill of Allah for them will come to us as the followers who still in the guideline.
Big appreciation should be appropriated for the lecture of Psycholinguistics, who has a very important participation in this paper’s accomplishment. It could not be ignored that in order to accomplish this paper, many obstacles had been faced. However, by the strong willingness and also the endorsement from all friends in class D, finally this paper can be completed.
Finally, it is admitted that this paper still faraway of the word perfect. So that the critique and also suggestion for the completeness of this paper will be very appreciated in order to make the more perfect result in the future.

Gorontalo, September 2012


1.1  Background
Human needs to be communicated with other people in order to make a good relationship in the society; this is as the implementation of human creature. To be communicated, of course a tool of communication is needed. A very perfect tool that can be used is language. By using language, all of the expression from the idea can be represented well.
In communication, of course there will be a law of the way to express the idea. In order for expressing the idea, a human need language. It can also be observed that language can represent the way of thought of every human who produced the language itself. A science which study about language and attitude will be needed because there is a deep relationship between thought pattern and language. That is the way Psycholinguistics is important one to be learned.

2.   Comprehensions
2.1 The comprehension of Psychology
 The word Psychology from the etymology was derived from Ancient Greek Psyche and logos. The word psyche means “soul, spirit and life force” then we logos that means “knowledge”. So by those comprehensions above, it can be concluded that psychology from the literal meaning is “the science of soul”, or the science that study about soul. Nowadays, this comprehension cannot be accepted because there is no study of soul in psychology, the latest understanding of psychology was the study of human soul by the attitude of human itself.
2.2 The comprehension of Linguistics
            Generally, Linguistics means the science of language or the science that took language as the object of study. In English, linguist also means “the people that use some languages” beside means “the experts of language”. A linguist learn about language because some reasons, and the main reason is not only to mastery the language, they also learn the language to know deeply the structure of the language and another aspects that included in the language.

2.3 The comprehension of Psycholinguistics
Psycholinguistics is the study about two different branch of science and each would only be stand alone in its area with different procedure and methods in study. However, both of them has the same way in order to take language as the object of study. Different in material objects, Psychology studies about the language attitude or language process, and linguistics studies about the structure of the language.
            Psycholinguistics tries to explain the process of psychology that happened if a person utters the sentences he heard in communication and how the ability of language acquired by human (Slobin, 1974; Meller, 1964; Slama Cahazu, 1973)
3. Language in Psychology
In the history of Psychology Development study there are some experts of Psychology that paid more attention in Linguistics, some of them are; John Dewey, Karl Buchler, Wundt, Watson and Weiss.
3.1 Karl Buchler
A Psychologist from Germany explains in his book Sprach Theorie (1934) he conveyed that human language has three functions which is called KUNGABE (then called Ausdruck), APPELL (called Auslosung before) and DARSTELLUNG. Kungabe means a communicative act that realized in a verbal. Appell is a request to others, and Darstellung is a main problem that is communicated. The three function can be explained according to Organon Modell Der Sprache (Kridalaksana, 1988: Sudaryanto, 1990). The basic of view explained that there are three kinds of relationship between A (the sender or speaker), B (the receiver or audience), X (something that is sent in a special sound). in this case, Kungabe related to A as an expression, in this case language regarded as a symptom or indication. Appell related to B in this case language regarded as a signal or sign. And Darstellung related to X in this case regarded as something that is sent or something to be talking. In this case language is regarded as a symbol or emblem. In the use of language, one of the three functions might be dominantly appear: however, Darstellung is a very common function.
3.2 Weiss
            Weiss, a Behaviorism Psychologist from America admitted that there is a mental aspect in language. Yet, because language has no physical appearance, it means that language is very difficult to be studied or showed. So that, Weiss preferred to convey that language is form of attitude if someone adapted himself with the social environment.

Language is studied in a branch of science that is called Linguistics. Attitude and thought pattern is studied in a branch of science that is called Psychology. Those are two different branch of science which has different focus in study; however, when the two branches of this science come with a same object of study, they will be a new branch that is called Psycholinguistics. Psycholinguistics is the study about human act, thought and attitude in the relationship of producing the language itself.

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Chaer, A (2003) Psikolingistik Kajian Teoretik. Jakarta: PT Rineka Cipta

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