The characterization of Jamie Sullivan by using deconstructive approach


A Walk to remember was a great novel which told about the power of love in Beaufort, North California. Jamie Sullivan who struggled with her sickness, Leukemia, was falling in love with Landon Carter, a broken-home child. At the first time, they did not have any feeling at all. Their love story began when the first time they performed as the main character in school play that was written by Hegbert, Jamie’s father. After the school play, they began to be falling in love each other. The problem had risen when Landon finally knew that Jamie had leukemia, an illness which could not be cure by all of the doctors at the time. They started to spend their whole day together. At the end, Landon got married with Jamie even though her sickness was very awful.
This essay will explore about the characterization of Jamie Sullivan by using deconstructive approach. This approach was stated by a philosopher from Aljazair, Jacques Derrida, in 1960s. Deconstruction is the way to bring contradictions that hide behind our concepts that we believe (Pontus, 2007). From the definition before, it could be concluded that deconstructive is a way to read a text and trying to find the meaning beyond of the literal meaning of the text, in this case, especially Jamie Sullivan’s characterizations. Jamie was a main woman character who fought with her sickness in this story. Because she was the young woman, so that there would be an interpretation from the readers that she needed more love and also caused pity or sympathy in order to survive in her life. In addition, she did so many things that could not be found on other young people in that story such as carrying bible, used the same clothes at school and also prefer to go to the orphanage instead of had a party with friends. By these reason, the deconstructive approach had been chosen for finding some other interpretations in Jamie.
Jamie was a very kindness woman. She always came to the orphans and gave them some gifts in every Christmas. Many people would be very happy to receive the gift. However, this kindness would cause people to be depended on others. They would hopefully expect the gift instead of tried to find the source of fund by themselves. In conclusion, the kindness of Jamie would only teach them to be not independent and spoiled to others. So this is a bad habit that should not be implemented to the orphans.
Jamie always gave attention to Landon till they became in love. She often said that she would pray for Landon (page 16). This was one of the ways she captivated Landon’s heart. She should not do it because of her death would possibly come sooner. If only she did not do that thing, there would be no tears of Landon at the end of her life.
Jamie was a woman who ignored appearance instead of spirituality. She wore the same clothes in almost everyday at school. She spent most of her time to read bible or went to the orphanage. It seemed like she considered that the world was a cruel place. So that she used that bible as her safeguard and the orphanage as her safety place to hide. Talk about spirituality, she was not a really faithful woman. The proof could be seen from many things that she had done with Landon such as kissing, and hugging. Conversely, kissing and hugging should not be done before got married.
One of the interesting points from Jamie was her desire to be married in the same church where her mother did. She did some strategy for reaching that desire and put her aim at Landon. Firstly, she tried to find Landon’s phone number without asking directly to Landon. Secondly, she phoned Landon and asked him to come to her house. It could be seen from the dialog. “Well . . . I just wanted to know if you wouldn’t mind coming by a little later this afternoon.” (page 28). Actually there were some refusing from Landon, However she did compulsion to Landon until he agreed to come in the afternoon. Thirdly, after arrived in her house, she asked Landon to be the main character in the school play. It could be seen from the dialog, “I’d like to ask you if you wouldn’t mind playing Tom Thornton in the school play,” she said (page 29). From this request, Landon had refused many times by suggesting his other friends like Eddie Jones, Jeff Banger and Darren Woods to replace him, however there are many reason that she had risen for convincing Landon to be the main character in the school play. The last way that she did to have Landon’s sympathetic could be seen from the last dialog in chapter 4. She was crying while explained her father’s misadventure to Landon. One point that convincingly proofing about her strategy to captivate Landon’s love could be found in her confession, “When I told you that I prayed for you,” she finally said to Landon, “what did you think I was talking about?” (page 86). These could be the proof that she had already had a big plan that Landon would be her boyfriend.
In conclusion, it can be said that Jamie Sullivan had more hidden facts in this story. Most of her life which beyond of the text could only be found if deconstruction approach was used in order for finding those all, so that was the way this approach had been chosen.

SPARKS, N. (1999) A Walk To Remember. New York: Warner Books Inc.

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