Paper: Non-Engish Teacher Teaches English



Non-Engish Teacher Teaches English

Miranti Anwar                   : 321410049
Ramlan                              : 321410016
Lilis Indrayani Musiyan      : 321410047

1.      Background
Nowadays, Indonesian education quality can be considered  as still left behind from other states that are being developed. This might be due to the education system in indonesia is no longer compatible with the level of development and progress of the age. The need for education reform and improvement of education system back in order to pursue of left behind. teachers which is one of the urgent part of the educational process must also conduct reforms. A teacher should not be stagnant because it will make it behind the advancement of science and technology that is increasingly growing rapidly. As educator, teachers must have the skills required in their field. Professionalism should be owned by every teacher for the slump and boost lagging the nation in education. Competent teacher will give a good influence on their students. The students will be motivated and be more active in exploring the unknown science. Intellectual and behavior become a figure for their students. Therefore the competence and professionalism of teachers should have really planned, applied and developed in a learning and teaching process.
Based on Government Regulation (PP) No. 18 of 2007 regarding teachers stated that one of the competencies that should be possessed by the teacher is professional competence. in this case the profesionalism is the ability of teachers in mastering the subject material is broad and deep. Mastery of the material is broad and deep in this regard includes the mastery of other academic skills that act as a support teacher professionalism. Academic ability includes the ability to master knowledge, levels and types of education which appropriate.
There are several obstacle that occurs in the school,the first on one is involved in shortage of teacher that suitable with requirment.  Requirement it mean requirement that subject or area of study suitable teacher background. Eventually the school was forced to take unpopular policies for children, teachers teach subjects that do not suitable with his/her background.
Based on the problems of teacher competence profesionalisme, so that, this report will discuss about teacher teaches the course not suitable with education background. In this case, this problem found at SDN 10 TELAGA. This school has english teacher but her background as accounting.
2.      Research question
a.       What are the factors of Non-English teacher teaches English?
b.      What might be the impacts of Non-English teacher teaches English for the student?
c.       What might be the impacts of Non-English teacher teaches English for the teacher?
d.      What might be the impacts of Non-English teacher teaches English for Indonesian Education quality?
3.      Objective of research
This research is hopefully expected to find some expediences for the developmement of Indonesian education quality generally, and specifically for the teacher and also the student. Moreover this research can be a very important issue for us as the students who will be a teacher in the future.

2.1.Research methodology
In this research, qualitative approach was used as the appropriate approach to our research. There are many kinds of qualitative research, however, our research used case study as the specific approach which is appropriate to the case that was being researched. According to Ary et al. (2006) “…a case study focuses on a single unit to produce an in-depth description that is rich and holistic. The underlying question is “What are the characteristics of this particular entity, phenomenon, person, or setting?” Case studies typically include multiple sources of data collected over time”. Furthermore Hancock (2012) states that case study claims to offer the method that will find information deeply which cannot be offered by other method. By capturing as many variable as possible, case study can identify how a complex set of circumstances come together to produce a particular manifestation of occurrences.
By considering those aspects of qualitative research above, our research appropriately tended to use qualitative approach because the question that needed to be answered in our research were what, and how that phenomenon occurred. Hereinafter, the kinds of qualitative research that used for our research is case study because case study would only focus on a single unit and produce a depth description which is rich and holistic about the case or problem in that unit.
2.2  Data collection
The most widely used tools in qualitative research are interviews, document analysis, and observation (Ary, et al: 2006). However, our research used two instruments in collecting data. In this section, there were two instruments of collecting data. The first one was observation and the second one was interview.
In the procedure of collecting data, the first step is conducting an observation to site that is being the place of research. Kinds of observation that was used is participation observation where the researcher directly come and be mingled with the participants. The next one was conducting unstructured interview.
To collect the data, there were several procedures that we have done for our research. The first procedure was observation in SDN 10 Telaga. Process of observation was done by taking notes at the time of the observation. The objective of it was to know location of the research, and teacher who become participants in the research. For the second procedure was interview. The interview was done by asking question to the English teacher at SDN 10 Telaga by giving several questions related with the problems. The interview was also done to the students who were taught by Non-English teacher.
3.2  Participants
The participants in this research had been chosen by the consideration of some factors, the first one is of course the teacher who teaches not according to the background of study, and the second one is students who are being taught by the teacher. This could give two sources of data which is needed n our research.
3.3  Site
The sites that was chosen is in SDN 10 Telaga. This school had been chosen because it has an English teacher who is not an English graduate. This school has some teachers who have a close relationship with one of the researcher, so that validity of the data would be strength.

The low of indonesian education quality is a reflection of the low national education system. Low quality of a teacher is one of the most important point that should not be ignored from our attention because it has big impact to the development of education itself. By considering that issue, our mini research focuses on teacher who teaches not according to her/his competence.
The first step that we have done is observation in SDN 10 Telaga. We found one teacher who teaches English but she has no basic at the subject. We used direct observation by directly come to the school and have some information from other teachers.
The next step we have done is conducting interview to the teacher. We made a list of questions and have a long interview with the teacher. From that interview, there are some information that can be concluded;
1.      The teacher’s reason of teaching English in the school because of several cause;
a.       the first one is there was no English teacher in that school by the time she moved in to the school.
b.      The second is actually she taught IPS at the first, because of IPS subject must be taught by its master teacher in every class and grade so that she has no subject to teach anymore
By concluding those reason of the teacher above, it cannot be avoided that the teacher has not got any option to be professional teacher as her basic. This is because of the recruitment in some school was based on the quantity of teacher instead of quality of the teacher.

2.      The teacher always found some difficulties in teaching English, of course the main point is has no basic at the subject. she sometimes must learned the material several times before teaching. When the students asked an unanswerable question, she would use a trick that the question become homework.
Beside having interview to the teacher, we have also conducted interview to the students who are being taught by Non-English teacher. From the interview, we got some information;
1.      The students were lack of vocabulary
2.      The students could not pronounce every word correctly, they only pronounced as its way of written.
3.      The students actually liked their teacher’s way to teach, however it did not mean at all for the subject.
4.      The students were lack of motivation in learning English.
3.      Those things above are the reflection in the system of education in our country nowadays. However, the problems seems like not a big problem but it gives a big impact for the whole of our educational result.

4.      Conclussion
Based on the data, it can be concluded that Non-English teacher who teaches English should not be ignored by everyone who are responsibe with it. This issue must be paid more attention in order to have a very good education system in terms of the professionalism of the teachers. Because teachers has a big role in the implementation of education, so that they are an important point in this case.
Furthermore, this issue is very crucial for us in two considerations, the first one is from our future and the second one is for our long-term of our children’s education. Our future means it will be our threat when we become an English teacher and we have to teach another subject which is not according to our basic. The next is we have to answer the question about will we let our children being taught by no-basic teacher at the subject? That could be a big problem.

Ridlowi, A.(2008). Kompetensi guru. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from
Mahmuddin. (2008). Kompetensi profesional guru. Retrieved April 18, 2013 from
Non native english teacher . (2009). Retrieved april 18, 2013 from

List interview
ü  What do you think about english education at SDN 10 Telaga?
ü  What are the obstacles that you find during teaching english language?
ü  How do you solve those obstacles?
ü  What is your motivation to teach English in SDN 10 Telaga?
ü  Why do you teach English?
ü  Dou you like teaching English?
ü  Can the students undertanding your explanation?
ü  Do you think it is good when you teach english without any basic?
ü  How is students’ comprehention of English?
Interview of students
1.      Apakah kalian suka belajar bahasa inggris?
Siswa A: Ya, saya suka.
Siswa B: saya tidak suka belajar bahasa inggris
2.      Mengapa kalian suka/tidak suka belajar bahasa inggris?
Siswa A : Saya suka belajar bahasa inggris tapi jika hanya belajar tentang nama-nama hewan dan warna.
Siswa B : saya tidak suka belajar bahasa inggris karena bahasa inggris itu susah.
3.      Apakah kalian mengerti tentang penjelasan oleh guru bahasa inggris?
Siswa A : Iya, saya mengerti
Siswa B : kadang-kadang saya mengerti, kadang-kadang juga tidak.
4.      Bagaimana guru kalian mengajar bahasa inggris?
Siswa A : dia minta kami untuk menghafal kosa kata bahasa inggris tapi kami sering lupa.
Siswa B : dia meminta kami untuk membawa kamus dan dia membimbing kami jika kami tidak mengerti.
5.      Apakah guru itu sering menggunakan bahasa inggris saat mengajar?
Siswa A :tidak
Siswa B :tidak, dia hanya menggunakan bahasa indonesia.
6.      Apa bahasa inngris dari “saya pergi kesekolah”?
Siswa A : i go thus school
Siswa B : i go thuschol

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