
RamlanPakaya.2015.NIM: 321410016. Skripsi:The Study of Maxim Clash in “Titanic Movie”.
This research is about the study of maxim clash in Titanic Movie which is applied by using the theory ofCooperative Principle by Grice. The purpose of this research is to find out the maxim clash in Titanic Movie including to find out the reason of why the maxim clash occurred. This research is conducted by using descriptive method. The source of the data is the “Titanic Movie”, the data is all of the conversation in the movie and the corpus is every single data which contained maxim clash.
The result of the research shows that there are21 maxim clashes in the movie namely the clash between maxim of Quantity with maxim of quality (9 data), the clash between maxim of Quality with maxim of Quantity (2 data), the clash between maxim of Quality with maxim of Manner (1 data), the clash between maxim of Quality with maxim of Relation (2 data), the clash between maxim of Relation with maxim of Quality (2 data), the clash between maxim of Relation with maxim of Manner (1 data), the clash between maxim of Quantity and Quality with maxim of Relation (3 data) the clash between maxim of Quantity and with maxim of Quality and maxim of Manner (1 data)
Therefore it can be concluded thatclash between maxim of Quantity with maxim of quality dominates the flouting on the utterance of the movie. It means that there are many utterances of the movie which the people in it give contribution more informative as is required.

Key Words: Maxim Clash, Cooperative Principle, “Titanic Movie”.


Hereby I,
Name               : RamlanPakaya
Student ID      : 321410016
Major               : English Education
Faculty                        : Letters and Culture, UniversitasNegeriGorontalo
Stated that the Skripsi entitled the study of maxim clash in “Titanic Movie” which is one fulfillment of the requirements for SarjanaPendidikan in English Department is truly a work of my own which I made after going through research, guidance, discussions, and presentations or exams. All quotations either directly or indirectly are derived from the library, electronic media and other sources which have been accompanied by information about the identity of the source in the manner of scientific papers writing. If it is found discrepancies in the future, I am willing to accept the consequences; in this case, the bachelor’s degree will be revoked.
Thus, this is the statement letters used as needed.

Gorontalo,   July 2015

NIM. 321410016

Name                               : RamlanPakaya
Students ID                     : 321 410 016
Department                      : English
Faculty                             : Letters and Culture
Title                                 : The study of maxim clash in “Titanic Movie”

Advisor I                                                        Advisor II

Dr. Syarifuddin Ahmad, M.Pd                    Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum
NIP.19620331 198803 1 003                         NIP. 19820906 200604 2 001

Legalized By:
The Head of English Department

Novi RusnartiUsu, S.Pd, M.A
NIP. 19801011 200501 2 003

Date                         :July, 29th 2015
Time                         : 11.30 a.m
Examine                   : RamlanPakaya
Students ID             : 321 410 016



Prof. Dr. HasanuddinFatsah, M.Hum


N ZulkifliTanipu, S.Pd, M.A


Dr. Syarifuddin Ahmad, M.Pd


Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum

                                 Dean Faculty of Letters and Culture
Gorontalo State University

Dr. Harto Malik, M.Hum
NIP. 19661004 199303 1 010


“Everything will be okay in the end. If it’s not okay, it’s not the end” (John Lennon)
“Never explain yourself to anyone. Because the person who likes you doesn’t need it, and the person who dislikes you won’t believe it” (Anonymous)

“Only a most stupid person who assumed himself as the most intelligent person” (Imam Al-Ghazali)

This skripsiis dedicated to:
My beloved parents:Jani A.S Pakaya and HalifaSosiang
My Beloved sister:RahmaPakaya
My beloved Grandmother: Surin Levi
And my Special Friend: Yuliantika
Who always give me a great support for the entire of my life.



AlhamdulillahiRabbil ‘aalamin, first off allI would like to express my deepest gratitude and prays to the Almighty ALLAH SWT, the creator all everything thatblessed and gave me the strength to finish this skripsi. Peace is being upon Prophet Muhammad SAW (peacebe upon him) he has brought human being from the darkness into the lightness. This skripsi is written to fullfil requirement of getting the Degree of SarjanaPendidikan in English Department ofUniversitasNegeriGorontalo.
My Great thanks deliver to my father Jani A.S Pakaya who has become a great man for my life, who raise me with all his heart and never stop guiding me when I do mistake. My mother HalifaSosiang, who has spent her life for giving the best for me, who taught me the real hard work, who always be my spirit when I felt down, who always prays and supports me all the time. I do really say thank you for my little sisterRahmaPakaya for sharing your laughs with me.
In processing of writing this research, I met a lot of difficulties, but all of the difficulties can be solved by consultation and advice which were given by prodigious people namely my first advisor Dr. Syarifuddin Ahmad, M.Pd and my second advisor Sri Widyarti Ali, S.Pd, M.Hum. Furthermore a very big thankfulness for my First examiner Prof. DrHasanuddinFatsah, M.Hum and my second examiner ZulkifliTanipu, S.Pd, M.A (Thanks for the patient, for the knowledge you shared and being critical of me continuously in doing and finishing this research).
I also deliver my gratitude to Dr. Harto Malik, M.Hum, as the Dean of Letters and Culture Faculty;Dr. Dakia N. Ndjou, M.Hum. as the first Vice of Dean for Academic Affair;RosmaKadir, S.Pd, M.A. as the second Vice of Dean for Administration Affair, Dr. Muslimin, S.Pd, M.Pd. as the third Vice of Dean for Students Affair, Novi RusnartiUsu, S.Pd, M.A as the Head of English Department, ZulkifliTanipu, S.Pd, M.A. as Secretary of English Department, YusnaBantulu, S.Pd, M.A. as my Academic Advisor, and all of lecturers in Faculty of Letters and Culture who have educated me during my study.
A very big gratitude and appreciation delivered to my big family who support me to start, doing until finishing my study. Big appreciation for your attention during my study delivered to my uncles, (Alm. DalimSosiang, RidwanSosiang, SahminSosiang,Alm. AnduSosiang, NiniSudiPakaya, NiniPakaya, Ramon Pakaya) my Aunts (NociSosiang, NikoPakaya, AtiPakaya, IndengPakaya, Alm.SarcoPakaya) and my cousins (TitinSosiang, NiningSosiang, SurtikantiSosiang, Abdul RahmanSosiang, OngguSosiang, AtiSosiang, Hamid Sosiang, AldiantoSosiang, YunitaAhmadi, YulianaAhmadi, RaisAhmadi, FatmaPakaya, MasitaPakaya, YantoPakaya, SuaPakaya, RoiPakaya, LianPakaya, Maya Pakaya, YeniPakaya, RahmatPakaya,) your contribution to me is immeasurable.
I express my big appreciation andspecial thanks to my comrades in English Department especially the troops of Class D(Lia,Mira, Agung, Rai, Ica, Ani, alm. Ayu, MbakLilis, KakAcin, KakFifi, Livya, Ryan, Fajar, Ashra, Enda, Anas, Tenti, Adi, David, Lian, Atin, Hartin, Mala, Efi, Memi, Dila, Feni, Ayu, Claudia, Uchy, Ily), I thank you for your contribution during my study. I hope our togetherness will be everlasting forever.
The big thank deliver to the Director of My Liberty English Course, Muhammad BusyaeriJafar, S.H., Brother Ryan, Brother David, Brother AL, Brother Andi and all of My liberty Staff Office (Sisters & Brothers) who shared the experiences in teaching and business management.You are the great team that I have ever met.
The very big thank deliver to my best friends in English Speaking Community (ESCO team) (Noval, Febri, Zul, Dedi) who had learned to survive and enjoy the togetherness in life’s adventure with me. All the experiences we have passed are the best for our future.
I deliver my big appreciation to all students of English Department especially the class of 2010 ( Class A, B, C, and E) who cannot be mentioned one by one. I thank you for being the great friends in college.
A very big salute to the pursuersof graduation, who fought by my side in examinations (Herni, Fenty, Aning,Sri,Niar, Lutfi,Dewi,Tiwi, Kris, RianIpul, Ramdan, Sendi, Masitah, Acin etc.) your spirits had boosted me up.
In the last, I deliver my spesial thanks to my “Special Friend” “Yuliantika” who shared laughter, sadness, and happiness to me. Thanks for being with me till this time. Thanks for all your supports, advice and motivation.
Finally, I realized that this skripsi is still far from the perfect. Therefore, the suggestions and constructive criticisms are needed in order to develop this research to become more benefit project. Hopefully, it can be useful for the people in their study or research. May ALLAH SWT blesses us during the activity as a sign from our praise, aamiinyaaRabbal‘aalamin.
Gorontalo,  July 2015



Abstract ............................................................................................................. i
Statement Letter ............................................................................................   ii
Approval Sheet ................................................................................................. iii   
Legalization Sheet  ........................................................................................... iv
Motto and Dedication.....................................................................................    v
Preface............................................................................................................... vi
Content list......................................................................................................... x
CHAPTER I INTRODUCTION....................................................................... 1
Basic Consideration ……………………………………………….......      1
Problem Statement ............................................................................      5
Research Objective………………………………………..................... 6
Reason of Choosing the Topic……………………………………........ 6
Delimitation of Research…………………………………………… 7
The Significance of Study………………………………………........... 7

CHAPTER II LITERATURE REVIEW........................................................ 9
Pragmatics ............................................................................................. 9
Cooperative Principles ……………………………............................... 10
Maxim ……………….……….............................................................. 10
Maxim Violations……………………................................................... 12
Maxim Clash.......................................................................................... 13
Titanic Movie………………………………………………………..... 16
Relevant Research…..……………………………………………….... 17
CHAPTER III METHODOLOGY................................................................... 20
Research Methodology.......................................................................... 20
The Data and The Source of Data.......................................................... 20
Technique of Collecting the Data.......................................................... 21
Technique of Analyzing the Data.......................................................... 21

Research Findings................................................................................. 23
Research Discussion............................................................................. 65
CHAPTER V CONCLUSION AND SUGGESTION.................................... 73
5.1 Conclusion............................................................................................. 73
5.2 Suggestion............................................................................................. 75
Bibliography ....................................................................................................... 76
Curriculum Vitae


Ramlan Pakaya was born in Imana, June5th, 1991. He is the first child of two children from the couple of Jani A.S Pakaya and HalifaSosiang. When he was seven years old, he began her schooling in Elementary School, SDN 1 Duhiadaa (1998-2004). He continued his schooling in Junior High School, SMP Negeri1Marisa (2004-2007), and Vocational High School, SMK N 1 Limboto (2007-2010). In 2010, he enrolled to be the university students in UniversitasNegeriGorontalo by taking English Department in the Faculty of Letters and Culture.
During the time of his study, he joined some academic activities, for instance:
1.      The participant of ORASIMARU (OrientasiAkademikdanPotensiMahasiswaBaru) in 2010
2.      The participant of Training Public Speaking UNG in 2010
3.      Event organizer of Public Speaking Seminar held by LDF Al-Faruq 2011
4.      Member of KEMPO (Martial Arts) in 2010-2012
5.      The participant of the First International Conference: Linguistics and Literature in 2012
6.      The event organizer on the 1st Students Conference in 2012
7.      The speaker on the 1st Students Conference in 2012
8.      The participant of “JelajahSastra” seminar that was held by LDF Organization of Letters and Culture Faculty in 2012
9.      the secretary of Public Relation (HUMAS) in LDF Al_Faruq 2012
10.  The participant on Cross-cultural understanding performance in 2012
11.  Outstanding performance on Drama (Life, Dream & Emotion) in 2013
12.  Instructor of MY LIBERTY International English School in 2012-2014
13.  PKL program (Job Training) at Manado in 2013
14.  KKS Program (KuliahKerjaSibermas) in BatuHijau, district of Bonepantai, regency of Bone Bolango in 2013
15.  TOEFL Prediction Program that was organized by Language Training Center in 2013
16.  Manager of MY LIBERTY Kids in 2014
17.  The event organizer of entrepreneur seminar that was organized by My Liberty in 2014
18.  Administrator in Be Smart English Course in 2014-2015
19.  Instructor in English Speaking Community (ESCO) in 2015

For further information about this Skripsi;

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